A book I would like to read but will never be published:
Category Archives: Doctor Who
Ewoks! Exterminate!
Is it truly wrong to hate the Ewoks? Everyone knows the Ewoks. Those cute, cuddly, walking teddy bears that populated the last half of Return of the Jedi. In a series of films about the fate of the universe and the titanic struggle between the forces of good and evil, the Ewoks seemed curiously out-of-place.Continue reading “Ewoks! Exterminate!”
Who should be Who?
Being a Doctor Who fan in these Wholess times is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing in the sense that Who fans are, at this point in time, being so long without the real deal, so to speak, the devoted, the true fans. A curse in the sense that every little rumor getsContinue reading “Who should be Who?”
On Deep Space Nine's Tenth Anniversary
Marco gave us all a pleasant surprise with these announcements: 1. The mass-market edition of THE LIVES OF DAX (originally published as a trade paperback in 1999), which will be reprinted under the new DS9 logo, identifying it as part of the relaunch. To everyone who hasn’t read The Lives of Dax yet, buy itContinue reading “On Deep Space Nine's Tenth Anniversary”
Douglas Adams
Douglas Adams. I was going to write. Didn’t happen. So, now it’s after work, and I’ve had some time to think about things, about who Douglas Adams was and what his work meant to me. Good things. I’m not sure if I’m shocked or if I’m sad because I’m honestly both. Woke up this morning,Continue reading “Douglas Adams”
On "Evil of the Daleks"
Thanks to an industrious Doctor Who fan, I have copies of a reconstruction of “Evil of the Daleks,” the fifth season Doctor Who epic that had the Daleks invade Victorian England, leading to a final confrontation between the Doctor and the Emperor Dalek on Skaro. Disappointed in “Evil of the Daleks”? Far from it. IContinue reading “On "Evil of the Daleks"”
On "The Stones of Venice"
I received “Stones of Venice” from WhoNA Wednesday and listened to it yesterday. Overall, I was impressed. It’s not a brilliant story, but it’s a well-done story, with an emphasis on character over plot as what plot there is borders on the insanely obvious. Some things don’t gibe very well; it’s difficult to imagine thisContinue reading “On "The Stones of Venice"”
On "Time-Flight"
Tuesday I stopped by the local Suncoast, and there on the shelves were four copies of “Time-Flight.” Imagine my surprise; the local Suncoast is absolutely terrible at getting Doctor Who videos (no “Invasion of Time,” no “Revelation of the Daleks,” etc.), and since I needed a Who fix the way a junkie needs heroin, IContinue reading “On "Time-Flight"”
On The Doctor and the Enterprise, and FOX
I read Jean Airey’s The Doctor and the Enterprise recently. 🙂 The Doctor and the Enterprise (tDatE) is frivolous fun. I’d slot it right after “The Deadly Assassin” and before the Doctor picks up Leela, but there’s a reference to K-9, so perhaps it would be best after Leela and before Romana I, so rightContinue reading “On The Doctor and the Enterprise, and FOX”
On Whovian Ruminations
Yes, I do have a number of the BBC Doctor Who novels, mostly in the Eighth Doctor range, rather than the Past Doctor range, and there’s a reason for what I own and why. That will take some explaining, though. What follows is entirely my opinion on the subject. I could be off-base, I mightContinue reading “On Whovian Ruminations”