On a New Trek Literature Discussion

Jens Deffner of Unreality SF approached me recently to participate in a round-table discussion/interview about the new Star Trek film and Pocket Books’ reaction to the film, both this year and into next year when they have a series of four sequels to the film on the schedule. Entitled Trek XI: Did the books missContinue reading “On a New Trek Literature Discussion”

On My Next Publication

Star Trek Magazine editor Paul Simpson announced this today on TrekBBS: Coming soon to a newsstand near you – Star Trek Magazine 20, which includes a wonderful extract from Una McCormack’s great new DS9 novel The Never-Ending Sacrifice. Also this month, courtesy of Allyn Gibson, a complete history of the Borg, including their appearances inContinue reading “On My Next Publication”

On Recommending Star Trek Fiction

Unless you’ve been living under a rock — or living in abject denial — you probably know that there’s a new Star Trek movie opening nationwide tomorrow. Kirk, Spock, McCoy, the 23rd-century, boldly going, all that jazz. Don’t ruin it for me. I won’t see it until maybe Sunday. 🙂 I got to thinking. Let’sContinue reading “On Recommending Star Trek Fiction”

On Talking Star Trek: Voyager

Yesterday at work I found myself talking Star Trek: Voyager with one of the other writers in the department. No reason why — it’s just where the conversation went. Oh, wait. I remember now. It was the “T’Pau/T’Pol” problem — why was the planned use of T’Pau changed to a new character named T’Pol? NothingContinue reading “On Talking Star Trek: Voyager”

On The Weird Things From My Keyboard

Sometimes I shock even myself. Yes, I did, in fact, in all seriousness, suggest a “Star Trek Meets The Vampire Lestat” crossover. But what would the reaction be? Well, I think I have it pegged right when I wrote: Though if there’s a homoerotic undertone to the meeting of Lestat and Picard, I think fandomContinue reading “On The Weird Things From My Keyboard”

On Which Star Trek Is Best

Because I’ve seen this elsewhere, and because I’m such a follower… Which Star Trek series is best for me? You scored as Original, The original Star Trek would be best for you Original 85% Deep Space Nine 70% The Next Generation 70% Movies 70% Voyager 45% Enterprise 30% Which Star Trek Series is best forContinue reading “On Which Star Trek Is Best”