The Dalek Invasion of Endor

“You can’t do this, Davros!” the Doctor screamed from captivity. Davros rolled to the Doctor’s cell.  “You are too late. My Spider-Daleks are moving through the jungles. By sunrise, no Ewok will remain alive.” “Ewoks,” the Doctor whispered, stunned. The Black Dalek outside the Doctor’s cell shook its eyestalk. “ALL EWOKS WILL BE EXTERMINATED.” TheContinue reading “The Dalek Invasion of Endor”

Old Friends, New Identities

“You know everyone.  Churchill.  Liz Ten.”  Amy smirked.  “So who is he?  Your friend, Captain Cornelius.” The Doctor sighed.  “An old friend.  Very old.  Fifty thousand years old.” Amy’s eyes widened.  “You’re joking.” “He’s one of the true immortals.  In different eras, he goes by different names.  In your time, Captain Jack Harkness of theContinue reading “Old Friends, New Identities”

Scientific Study

“Precise experimentation,” said Holmes one morning, and then: “You wondered how I came by my ritual seven percent solution of cocaine.” “Holmes!” I exclaimed, for his surmise was correct. “I note, Watson, that you are reading this month’s Lancet, which advises a tincture of ten percent, and then your gaze falls upon the desk whereContinue reading “Scientific Study”

The Daleks

“When this damnable business is done, Watson, I shall be glad of it,” said Holmes. “The state visit?” “Naturally.”  London’s papers were filled that spring with news of the impending state visit by the Crown Prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. “I should think this a time for celebration, Holmes, not exasperation.” “Were it not forContinue reading “The Daleks”

Perils of the Heart

Had Quark known that falling in love would prove so traumatic, he might have reconsidered.  But affairs of the heart were a fickle thing, and from the moment he first laid eyes upon her he was smitten. In the aftermath of the assassination of the Bajoran First Minister and Kira’s abrupt departure, she suggested consummatingContinue reading “Perils of the Heart”

The Solitary Wood

In the Old Forest, just beyond Camelot’s walls, there stood a mighty tree, alone. “Do not approach it,” Gaius had long warned, and Merlin, assuming the tree was cursed with ancient magic, stayed away until a hunt with Arthur and a spirited fox chase led him to the tree’s clearing. Merlin approached the tree withContinue reading “The Solitary Wood”

Leaving the Nest

“Mother, I’ve decided.  I’m moving out,” said Robin Lefler. “Oh?” said Morgan Primus. “I’m an adult, and it looks bad that we’re still sharing quarters.  I can’t have men over.” “Mmm,” said Morgan, vaguely disinterested in Robin’s sex life. “I’m going, and I won’t be back.” “Does Captain Calhoun know?” “Mother!” “You’ll have your ownContinue reading “Leaving the Nest”

On the Origins of Trifling Knowledge

I had long admired Holmes’ ability to distinguish the varieties of cigarette ash by sight, but it was not until the affair of Lord Bassington’s manservant that I questioned the origins of Holmes’ knowledge. “Personal experience,” said he.  “What may seem as trivial knowledge began, absent noble reasons, in my university days with the searchContinue reading “On the Origins of Trifling Knowledge”

A Fractional Consultation

A series of arsons throughout the city had all London aghast. Inspector Hopkins of the Yard believed they held a common thread and he came to our Baker Street rooms one evening to consult with Holmes. Hopkins withdrew from his jacket pocket a sheet of folded paper and passed it to Holmes. “This was foundContinue reading “A Fractional Consultation”


From:� Satie, Norah, Rear Admiral To:� Picard, Jean-Luc, Captain In light of recent actions undertaken by yourself and the Time Lord known as the Doctor on stardate 37141.5 in halting and destroying the Krynoid foliage overrunning the Berengaria VII colony, you are hereby authorized for detached assignment aboard the Doctor’s craft known as the TARDIS,Continue reading “Orders”