I was stupidly busy today with work, so I have little idea what’s happening in the world. Nonetheless, some things that caught my attention today… The Essay, Religion in the North, Norse Mythology: Karl Seigfried – An interesting personal essay on the continuing emotional pull of Norse mythology, a millennium after Scandinavia was Christianized. BBCContinue reading “Link Round-Up: December 22”
Tag Archives: Norse Mythology
Barbarian Lord
Barbarian Lord Clarion Books Written & Drawn by Matt Smith I have always been fascinated by the Vikings, their history, and their myths. When I was young, it was Leif Ericsson, not Christopher Columbus, that I admired. When I learned that Tolkien had taken the names of the characters in The Hobbit and The LordContinue reading “Barbarian Lord”
The Solitary Wood
In the Old Forest, just beyond Camelot’s walls, there stood a mighty tree, alone. “Do not approach it,” Gaius had long warned, and Merlin, assuming the tree was cursed with ancient magic, stayed away until a hunt with Arthur and a spirited fox chase led him to the tree’s clearing. Merlin approached the tree withContinue reading “The Solitary Wood”
On Writing a New Drabble
I wrote a drabble on the train this morning. The Merlin drabble community had as one of the current prompts the word “tree.” An idea for Merlin and a magical tree instantly lodged itself in my mind a week and a half ago. It drew upon pagan mythology. I knew what the story was, IContinue reading “On Writing a New Drabble”
On Delving into Marvel Comics’ Thor
On paper, I should love Thor. Norse mythology? The Viking age? Absolutely fascinating to me. I’ve read the Volsung Saga, the Poetic Edda, the Greenland and Iceland sagas. I’ve listened to Wagner’s Ring Cycle in its entirety several times (even though I don’t speak a word of German). Northlanders is a comic I look forwardContinue reading “On Delving into Marvel Comics’ Thor”