On My Font of English

It was Sherlock Holmes in “His Last Bow” who said that, and I’m paraphrasing here, that two years undercover as the American Pinkterton detective Altamont had left his font of English permanently defiled. I’ve watched too much British television. My own font of English has been permantently defiled. I typed out a sentence, and wroteContinue reading “On My Font of English”

On a Letter to Cthulhu

Earlier, I wrote a letter to Santa. Now, more holiday fun! Oh Great Cthulhu! I have been an extremely sedulous devotee this year. In January, I defiled the grave of that traitor, Lovecraft (90 points). In June, I wore an Elder Sign (-10 points). In September, I legally changed my name to Randolph Carter (-40Continue reading “On a Letter to Cthulhu”

On the Hundred-Acre Woods’ New Resident

Disney is making some changes to the Winnie-the-Pooh format for its upcoming My Friends Tigger and Pooh animated television series — goodbye Christopher Robin, hello tomboyish six year-old girl. First thought? They’re doing what to Winnie-the-Pooh? Second thought after considered reflection? It’s not the first time Disney’s made changes to the Pooh format. Disney hasContinue reading “On the Hundred-Acre Woods’ New Resident”

On Remembering John Lennon

Doubtless today radio stations around the world will play “Imagine” in rapid repeats throughout the day as we remember John Lennon who was killed in New York twenty-five years ago today. I’d like to remember John by listening to one of his lesser-known songs, “#9 Dream,” from his 1974 album Walls and Bridges— So longContinue reading “On Remembering John Lennon”

On What Constitutes Spoilers

Two years ago, in the weeks leading up to the release of Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, it surprised me how many people I knew didn’t already know how the story ended. One friend was seriously pateeved that in describing my curiosity as to how the confrontation between Frodo and GollumContinue reading “On What Constitutes Spoilers”

On a Case of the Mondays

“Sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays,” said that annoying phone operator in Office Space. I must be having one of those, because I kept thinking that today must have been something other than Monday. Surely it was Tuesday, or Wednesday, or possibly even Friday. Monday? Not possible. And yet, today is Monday.Continue reading “On a Case of the Mondays”

On XBox 360 Madness

People need a sanity check–you can buy an XBox 360 system on eBay for 11 million dollars. I don’t expect that anyone would match Jack Dell’s “Buy It Now” price–there are better things one can do with 11 million dollars–but I have to wonder at the thought process that leads someone to put up anContinue reading “On XBox 360 Madness”