Thoughts on “The Day of the Doctor”

Years ago, a little more than a decade now, EB Games put me and thirty-odd other managers through a pilot management training program. Our instructor was a man by the name of Harry Friedman. He had created a sales management training program, and EB wanted to see if it would work for the company. IContinue reading “Thoughts on “The Day of the Doctor””

My Philcon 2013 Schedule

This weekend is Philcon, a science-fiction convention held annually in the Philadelphia area. This year, like recent years, it’s being held in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. And this year, like recent years, I’ll be at the convention and participating on panels. For those attending, here’s what my schedule this weekend looks like: Saturday MOFFAT ONContinue reading “My Philcon 2013 Schedule”

Steven Moffat and the Difficult Second Album Theory

A band will come out with a kick-ass debut album. Acclaimed, inventive, groundbreaking. Then they come out with a second album, and it’s… well, it’s disappointing. Some of it feels like a retread of what worked before. Some of it is unique, but it’s not as well thought out as the original album was. (MumfordContinue reading “Steven Moffat and the Difficult Second Album Theory”


From:� Satie, Norah, Rear Admiral To:� Picard, Jean-Luc, Captain In light of recent actions undertaken by yourself and the Time Lord known as the Doctor on stardate 37141.5 in halting and destroying the Krynoid foliage overrunning the Berengaria VII colony, you are hereby authorized for detached assignment aboard the Doctor’s craft known as the TARDIS,Continue reading “Orders”

On the Cusp of History

Many times in his life the Doctor had been on the cusp of battle. But never like this. The TARDIS was hundreds of miles away in London.  There would be no escape for him as bullets flew, as cannonshot fell.  His life could easily end here, on the deck of Victory. His companion, much shorterContinue reading “On the Cusp of History”

The Dalek Invasion of Endor

“You can’t do this, Davros!” the Doctor screamed from captivity. Davros rolled to the Doctor’s cell.  “You are too late. My Spider-Daleks are moving through the jungles. By sunrise, no Ewok will remain alive.” “Ewoks,” the Doctor whispered, stunned. The Black Dalek outside the Doctor’s cell shook its eyestalk. “ALL EWOKS WILL BE EXTERMINATED.” TheContinue reading “The Dalek Invasion of Endor”

Making Minds Free

“What we did, Doctor? Was it wise?” “We brought down a corrupt religion, Peri. Minds clouded by dogma will now be free. These people now understand they will fail because of their decisions, not because of the fickleness of fate.” Throngs of the once-worshipful tore a statue down from its pedestal. It crashed to theContinue reading “Making Minds Free”

Bleacher Creatures

“I can’t believe you wore that,” Peri said. “How was I to know?” the Doctor said indignantly, raising his voice to shout above those jeering at him. Peri frowned.  “You could have asked.” “Did you not say, ‘Let’s go to a baseball game.’  Is this not the proper attire?”  He gestured at the cap andContinue reading “Bleacher Creatures”

Of the Wanderers in the Fields of the Unbroken Arda

Though the Lamps were thrown down by Melkor long ages ere the awakening of the Elves and Men, it is said that one of the Kindred of Men, with a spirit that flowed like the waters of the mighty Sirion in later days, walked in the fields of the unbroken Arda and looked upon theContinue reading “Of the Wanderers in the Fields of the Unbroken Arda”