On Weird Fandom Questions

Stolen from novelist David McIntee: Name six of your fandoms without looking below the cut, then answer the questions. Okie-day! I’m interpretting “fandom” broadly—I like bands, I like books, I like television shows. So, broad definitions here. My six are: Hellboy The Beatles Doctor Who The Lord of the Rings Star Trek Boston Legal AndContinue reading “On Weird Fandom Questions”

On New Doctor Who Comics

IDW, published of comics based on Star Trek and the Transformers, has picked up the comics license for Doctor Who. Announced at San Diego Comicon yesterday, the series will star the tenth Doctor and Martha and will debut later in the year, written by Doctor Who novelist Gary Russell and with art by Nick Roche.Continue reading “On New Doctor Who Comics”

On the Shore Leave Round-Up

It occurs to me that others have written long and lengthy posts about the things they did at Shore Leave over the weekend. I’ve mentioned dribs and drabbles here and there–yes, the TARDIS USB hub is fantastic–but I haven’t done an all-encompassing thing. And since it’s Thursday (or something like that–my time sense has goneContinue reading “On the Shore Leave Round-Up”

On Automatic Silliness

I saw this on several friends’ LiveJournals: a short story generator. Most everyone used it to create bad Star Trek fanfic, but I decided to be different. I’d create Doctor Who fanfic. So, with much ado, I give you… The Cat Princess The Doctor was walking through a turgid meadow, laughing at the butterflies flittingContinue reading “On Automatic Silliness”

On Grand Designs

Grand Designs, the Star Trek: Corps of Engineers compilation containing my novella Ring Around the Sky, will be published by Pocket Books in July of 2007. The cover for it was unveiled today: The cover image is of the world Kharzh’ulla IV, seen in my story, as rendered by artist Chris Moore. Kharzh’ulla boasts ofContinue reading “On Grand Designs”