On Politics, Energy, and Vision

Something I was thinking about today, while hanging clothes on the clothesline. The United States built the atomic bomb in five years. The United States went to the Moon in ten. What if, in light of skyrocketing energy costs, a Presidential candidate announced, as part of his platform for the fall campaign, that, if elected,Continue reading “On Politics, Energy, and Vision”

On Presidential Primary Thoughts

I’ve said very little about the ongoing primary battle between Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in the past few weeks. The reason’s fairly simple — I don’t have a horse in this race. Maryland voted weeks ago, and I didn’t vote for either candidate. But whichever candidate receives the Democratic Party’s nomination in NovemberContinue reading “On Presidential Primary Thoughts”

On the Bush Mosaic

A few short days ago the United States reached the fifth anniversary of its military involvement in Iraq. Yesterday — Easter Sunday, for those of the Christian inclination — another milestone was passed. The four thousandth American soldier fell in Iraq. An artist has commemorated that dubious milestone with a photomosaic of President Bush andContinue reading “On the Bush Mosaic”

On the Poly Sci-Fi Meme 2008

I was tagged last night with a political/sci-fi meme by Valley of the Shadow, a Doctor Who fan. So, let’s have some fun. 🙂 1} President George W. Bush or President William Clinton? You must answer 1a and 1b.President Clinton. 1a} Give 3 issues why you support your guy:a) Balanced the budget and oversaw theContinue reading “On the Poly Sci-Fi Meme 2008”

On Securing the Atheist Vote

Are there any Presidential candidates who will campaign for the atheist vote? It’s a question that needs to be asked. Presidential candidates pander to the religious vote. John McCain called Washington, DC, “the city of Satan” yesterday at a campaign stop, explaining that it’s difficult to get “the Lord’s work” done there. “The Lord’s work”?Continue reading “On Securing the Atheist Vote”

On My Grandmother and Politics

Years ago I hated having any sort of political discussion with my grandmother. I won’t say that I was then the raving progressive that I am today; over the past decade my politics have moved steadily — and progressively — to the left. It’s not a reaction to the Bush Crime Syndicate, per se, butContinue reading “On My Grandmother and Politics”

On Pre-Primary Thoughts

Maryland votes today. In what some might consider an ironic turn, I received yesterday my official John Edwards ’08 t-shirt. (The magnetic bumper sticker? Still on back-order.) The order was placed, a donation made, and then… Edwards suspended his campaign. Edwards is still on the ballot here in Maryland. At least, according to the state’sContinue reading “On Pre-Primary Thoughts”

On Bill Kristol

For New Years the New York Times made a resolution to add Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, to their editorial pages. Kristol’s career as a Republican thinker is well-known. He was Dan Quayle’s Chief of Staff. He argued strongly that the Clinton health care proposals had to be defeated completely, not compromised upon,Continue reading “On Bill Kristol”