Shamrock Fest is on Saturday in Washington, DC, on the grounds of RFK Stadium. I bought my ticket back in November, and today I saw the schedule. I already knew the line-up was a little on the thin side, with Shaggy and Sum 41 as the headliners. Looking at the schedule, I looks like I’mContinue reading “The Shamrock Fest Schedule”
Tag Archives: Barleyjuice
The Line-Up Revealed
So, the headlining acts at ShamrockFest this year are Sum 41, Shaggy, and Less Than Jake. Umm, what’s the point of this festival, again? I’ll still go; Carbon Leaf, Barleyjuice, Kilmaine Saints, and Scythian will satisfy the Celtic rock itch. But jeez. Those headliners, on St. Patrick’s Day…
An Irish Weekend
Over the weekend, I went to the Annapolis Irish Festival, an annual event held near Annapolis in mid-July. This year, the scheduling caused some agony as the festival coincided with Shore Leave‘s weekend, back in July for the first time in a hemidecade, and Carbon Leaf, who are taking a sabbatical year, were playing aContinue reading “An Irish Weekend”
Celtic Festivals and Baseball Games
Yesterday I was in Mt. Airy, Maryland for the Mid-Maryland Celtic Festival. I attended two years ago, when it was the Frederick Celtic Festival. Same location — the Mt. Airy Fire Department Fairgrounds — just a slightly more accurate name. Two years ago, a sudden torrential squall developed mid-afternoon, and it was so thoroughly soakingContinue reading “Celtic Festivals and Baseball Games”
An Irish Outing in Annapolis
I feel that I’ve been living in a bubble the last month, but work, deadlines, and work deadlines will do that to a person. Yesterday was an escape from that bubble — the fifth annual Annapolis Irish Festival was held at the Anne Arundel County Fairgrounds. I first went in 2012, then again last year,Continue reading “An Irish Outing in Annapolis”
On the Shamrock Fest Post-Mortem
Contrary to recent appearances, is not an all-music, all-the-time blog. I do listen to music, I do write about music from time to time, but I don’t really have the right vocabulary to write knowingly or critically about music. I really just write about the stuff that I like and the stuff that makesContinue reading “On the Shamrock Fest Post-Mortem”