More on the Doctor

In the comments, John S. Drew wrote, “See, I got Tom Baker and I would have thought I would have been more like Peter Davison.” This was one internet quiz where I thought the final result wasn’t obvious from the questions. Too often the questions are few and rather pointed, so gaming the answers canContinue reading “More on the Doctor”


The Daleks will be returning to the new Doctor Who, thanks to an agreement reached between the BBC and the Terry Nation estate, with “the BBC accept[ing] the arrangement that had been in place for the last 40 years.” While it’s possible the oversized pepper-pots will grace television screens everywhere in the new series’ firstContinue reading “Exterminate!”

Allyn's Crackpot Theory: How Skaro Survived the Hand of Omega

It has long been said that “The Evil of the Daleks,” from Doctor Who‘s fourth season, represents the “final end” of the Daleks. The Doctor says that himself at the very end of the story. Yet in “Remembrance of the Daleks,” in the 25th season, the Doctor manipulates Davros, creator of the Daleks, into usingContinue reading “Allyn's Crackpot Theory: How Skaro Survived the Hand of Omega”

On Doctor Who: Neverland

Today I finally finished listening to Neverland. I received …ish earlier in the week (in short–excellent, very strange, and no other Doctor than Colin Baker could have done this story), and then gave Neverland another go. Oh my fucking god. I think I uttered that immortal phrase about six or seven times during the story.Continue reading “On Doctor Who: Neverland”

Ewoks! Exterminate!

Is it truly wrong to hate the Ewoks? Everyone knows the Ewoks. Those cute, cuddly, walking teddy bears that populated the last half of Return of the Jedi. In a series of films about the fate of the universe and the titanic struggle between the forces of good and evil, the Ewoks seemed curiously out-of-place.Continue reading “Ewoks! Exterminate!”

On The Doctor and the Enterprise, and FOX

I read Jean Airey’s The Doctor and the Enterprise recently. 🙂 The Doctor and the Enterprise (tDatE) is frivolous fun. I’d slot it right after “The Deadly Assassin” and before the Doctor picks up Leela, but there’s a reference to K-9, so perhaps it would be best after Leela and before Romana I, so rightContinue reading “On The Doctor and the Enterprise, and FOX”