On the Two-Week Round-Up

I think a biweekly recap makes more sense than a weekly recap. At least, until I change my mind again. 😆 Let’s step back two weeks, to the day before St. Patrick’s Day. There, I mused on The Return of the King, which I watched the night previous. Specifically, I talked about the original endingContinue reading “On the Two-Week Round-Up”

On Fiddling with WordPress

Wednesday I decided it was time. WordPress 2.5 wasn’t officially released, but there was a release candidate available. The WordPress Podcast said that, as best they could tell, it was stable and probably good to go. And I’m a tinkerer. Even if that means taking my blog’s sanity into my own hands. I upgraded toContinue reading “On Fiddling with WordPress”

On Testing the Emergency Broadcast System

Whhhhoooooopppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. The broadcasters of your area in voluntary cooperation with the FCC and federal, state and local authorities have developed this system to keep you informed in the event of an emergency. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have been instructed where toContinue reading “On Testing the Emergency Broadcast System”

On a Week-End Round-Up

Today’s recap of last week’s blog posts may be less than enthralling. To be frank, I didn’t write a hell of a lot worth noticing last week. Last week was what I affectionately like to call “Hell Week” — it’s the week at work where the publications I work on and am responsible for goContinue reading “On a Week-End Round-Up”

On WordPress Tinkering

Occasionally I’m asked why I use WordPress. And specifically, the self-hosted version. “There are other free blogging services — LiveJournal, WordPress.com, Blogger. You don’t even need to pay for hosting. They do it all for you, for free.” Those are good points. And who knows? Maybe if I’d made a different decision nearly six yearsContinue reading “On WordPress Tinkering”

On Tweaking Hemingway

My experiment with Hemingway continues! The Hemingway theme has a couple of interesting things going for it. Number one, it’s not under any sort of active development. The latest version — 0.19 — was released nearly twenty-four months ago. Number two, there’s absolutely no support for it. The download page has dead links to supportContinue reading “On Tweaking Hemingway”

On a Week-End Round-Up

With the new redesign of the website, it’s possible that some potentially interesting content has fallen by the wayside and might be missed by casual readers. So, let’s review some of the things I wrote about last week. Sunday began with some thoughts on the new layout of the website. While I was happy withContinue reading “On a Week-End Round-Up”