I get three crayons to make a picture. I don't know what the picture will be; I'm suddenly reminded of the last time I went to Five Guys and I drew a picture of the Union Jack on a postcard and tacked it up on their corkboard. Three crayons. A picture. I go with primaryContinue reading “On Crayon Colors and What They Mean”
Category Archives: Memes
On My Steampunk-Style
Seen on others’ blogs… If I were to dress in a steampunk-style, what would I be? Hmm… Your result for The Steampunk Style Test… The Ragamuffin 25% Elegant, 41% Technological, 30% Historical, 24% Adventurous and 46% Playful! You are the Ragamuffin, the embodiment of steampunk playfulness. Chances are, you approach the genre from a muchContinue reading “On My Steampunk-Style”
Oscar November Tango Hotel Echo Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Mike Echo Mike Echo
Bravo Echo Charlie Alpha Uniform Sierra Echo India Tango India Sierra Tango Oscar Oscar Echo Alpha Romeo Lima Yankee Alpha November Delta India Charlie Alpha November November Oscar Tango Tango Hotel India November Kilo India Foxtrot Yankee Oscar Uniform Charlie Alpha November Uniform November Delta Echo Romeo Sierra Tango Alpha November Delta Tango Hotel IndiaContinue reading “Oscar November Tango Hotel Echo Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Mike Echo Mike Echo”
On Seventeen Movies
The American Humanist Association is putting up ads on subway trains and buses that wish people a good, but godless, Christmas. This, frankly, is awesome, and I wholeheartedly approve. Which reminds me; this atheist is doing his Christmas cards this weekend…
On Life as a Music Meme
A friend of mine passed this along recently. Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to 15 people (or not) and include me. Try not to repeat a song title. It’s harder than you think. It’s not that hard. I did a similar meme with the Beatles aboutContinue reading “On Life as a Music Meme”
On My Authorial Tendencies
I saw this on some friends’ blogs earlier in the week, and being such a follower, I decided I would play. If I were a fantasy author, who would I be? Your result for Which fantasy writer are you?… Mary Gentle (b. 1956) 15 High-Brow, 3 Violent, 23 Experimental and 11 Cynical! Congratulations! You areContinue reading “On My Authorial Tendencies”
On the “Ask Me!” Meme
I’d been thinking of doing this anyway (because it’s something I’ve done a time or three), and then I saw it on David McIntee‘s blog: The problem with LiveJournal is that we think we’re close, but really, we know nothing about each other. So I want you to ask me something you think you shouldContinue reading “On the “Ask Me!” Meme”
On the Social Persona Test
I’m not really sure what this meme means, but it’s a Friday, so let’s roll… Your result for The Social Persona Test (What kind of man/woman are you?)… Lord of the Misfits (QLAM) Quirky Liberal Alpha Male You are similar to The Fratt Boy, in that you often try to take care of peers youContinue reading “On the Social Persona Test”
On Thursday Morning Quiz Thingies
In lieu of meaningful content this beautiful Thursday morning, here’s three internet quiz type things. Enjoy! You Are a Snow Leopard You have learned that you must rely on yourself, and yourself alone, to live a happy life. You are understand the world better than most people you know. You are very perceptive and intuitive.Continue reading “On Thursday Morning Quiz Thingies”
On Life as a Tarot Card
Just for fun this Sunday… Which Major Arcana Tarot Card am I? You Scored as II – The High Priestess The High Priestess is a card of intuition, instinct and hidden knowledge. She knows all your secrets, you can hide nothing from her. Yet you will never know the secrets she herself protects.If well aspectedContinue reading “On Life as a Tarot Card”