On a Public Service

First, today is St. Patrick’s Day. Go forth, and drink responsibly. And maybe watch some Father Ted. 😀 Second, Doctor Who debuts tonight on the Sci-Fi Channel at 9, with its first episode, “Rose,” followed by the second episode, “The End of the World.” Go forth, and watch. If you think you know Doctor Who,Continue reading “On a Public Service”

On Upgrading

After a minor hiccup, we’re now running on the latest and greatest iteration of the WordPress software, version 2.0.2. Definitely different on the back end. On the front end, though, there should be no significant changes. Except for the five minutes where the webpage showed no content at all, hence the “minor hiccup.” 🙂

On Describing My Life With Song Titles

Shamelessly stolen from Keith DeCandido: Choose a band/artist and answer only in titles of their songs:John Lennon, just the solo work, just to be challenging. 😉 Are you male or female:“Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy).” Describe yourself:“Give Me Some Truth.” How do some people feel about you:“Watching the Wheels.” How do you feel about yourself:“Crippled Inside.”Continue reading “On Describing My Life With Song Titles”

On Being Behind the Curve

At times I feel out of place in Raleigh. Why, you might ask? Because I just don’t sodding care about college basketball, that’s why. There are three top-notch college basketball programs right here, within a twenty minute’s drive, if I cared, and yet, I don’t. College basketball does nothing for me, sorry. Indeed, I didn’tContinue reading “On Being Behind the Curve”

On a Bizarre Walking Behavior

News of the bizarre! Scientists have discovered a family in Turkey in which the five children walk on all fours because they’re unable to stand upright. They speculate that the children may have suffered a genetic disorder–their parents are noted as being closely related–and they’ve reverted to an instinctual form of human mobility. Rather thanContinue reading “On a Bizarre Walking Behavior”

On Recent Reading

What have I been reading? I’ve been on a Revolutionary War kick of late. Or at least, of that era. Currently atop the desk–Redcoats and Rebels, by Christopher Hibbert, which offers a British perspective on the conflict. Also recently read, General Howe’s Dog, by Caroline Tiger, about, besides General Howe’s Dog (obviously), the battle ofContinue reading “On Recent Reading”