On Contempt of Congress

Since taking control of Congress in January, the Democratically-controlled House and Senate have been investigating the role the White House played in the mass firings of eight US Attorneys last fall. Subpeonas were issued, some documents were turned over, and then, the capper. Former Bush aide (and Supreme Court nominee) Harriet Miers was subpeonaed and…Continue reading “On Contempt of Congress”

On the Latest Personality Results

I saw this on a couple of LiveJournals earlier in the week—a personality test! And, because I’m such a follower…. According to this I am: INFPs are introspective, private, creative and highly idealistic individuals that have a constant desire to be on a meaningful path. They are driven by their values and seek peace. EmpatheticContinue reading “On the Latest Personality Results”

On CIA Leak News

Two interesting pieces of news regarding the Valerie Plame CIA leak case–that being that case that lead to Scooter Libby’s conviction for perjury and obstruction of justice, a conviction that President Bush commuted because, frankly, he was probably concerned that Scooter would flip on Cheney or Rove–emerged yesterday. First, the civil lawsuit filed by PlameContinue reading “On CIA Leak News”

On the Shore Leave Round-Up

It occurs to me that others have written long and lengthy posts about the things they did at Shore Leave over the weekend. I’ve mentioned dribs and drabbles here and there–yes, the TARDIS USB hub is fantastic–but I haven’t done an all-encompassing thing. And since it’s Thursday (or something like that–my time sense has goneContinue reading “On the Shore Leave Round-Up”

On This Week’s Radio Free Skaro

With the third season of Doctor Who finished, Warren and Steven turned their attentions this week to a very different subject for their forty-second episode of Radio Free Skaro—the works of Douglas Adams. The episode covers Hitchhikers–radio play, books, television series, film, computer game–and its sequels, with mentions of Blackadder (as Tom Baker and SimonContinue reading “On This Week’s Radio Free Skaro”