Exploring a Cemetery

On Halloween, I explored a little of a cemetery near my apartment with the intention of going back. Last weekend, temperatures in Pennsylvania soared into the low 70s, so I trekked over to explore some more. For some reason, exploring cemeteries is something I like to do. My mom says I take after my grandfatherContinue reading “Exploring a Cemetery”

Link Round-Up: December 18

Last night, after work, I saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens with my coworkers thanks for an end-of-year work function. Here are my non-spoilery thoughts, posted on social media last night and this morning. First, Facebook: My non-spoilery reaction to the new Star Wars movie — I was entertained, but it’s best to have temperedContinue reading “Link Round-Up: December 18”

Link Round-Up: December 17

We start today’s link round-up with something I wrote on Facebook this morning. It relates to two of today’s links, and I’ll link a third article in this: Christians and Muslims worship the same god. This isn’t and shouldn’t be a controversial statement. As a matter of history, it’s as much of a fact asContinue reading “Link Round-Up: December 17”

Link Round-Up: December 16

Some links for today. We’ll start with Star Wars and go from there. The Best-Case Scenario: ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ – There’s a new Star Wars film out this week. It’s a total surprise; I haven’t seen ads or merchandise for it anywhere. Reviews are starting to trickle in, albeit ones light on details.Continue reading “Link Round-Up: December 16”

Sandwich Wednesday: The Royal Farms Scrapple Sandwich

Sometimes I’ll listen to NPR’s Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me. Until a few months ago, Wait, Wait had a blog called “Sandwich Monday” where one of the interns would go in Chicago, buy a sandwich of some description, maybe fast food, maybe something local, and the team would eat it, photographing the sandwich and theirContinue reading “Sandwich Wednesday: The Royal Farms Scrapple Sandwich”

Link Round-Up: December 15

Our second link round-up! These are things I read today that interested me, with some commentary on what I read and what I thought. BBC World Service: Space – The BBC World Service has begun an occasional podcast series of podcasts on an astronomy/space exploration theme. As of right now, there are four episodes, rangingContinue reading “Link Round-Up: December 15”

Link Round-Up: December 14

I am inaugurating a new blog feature — a mostly-daily link round-up of things I read and found interesting. It’s primarily as much for my benefit as it is yours, the reader’s. I see something, I have thoughts, and then I forget about it or, worse, post a Tweet with the link and then neverContinue reading “Link Round-Up: December 14”

Thoughts on the Star Trek Beyond Trailer

I like it. The first trailer, for a movie that’s out in seven months, doesn’t have to do a lot. The idea is to whet the appetite, to remind the viewer of who these characters are and the world they inhabit. That’s what the trailer for Star Trek Beyond does. Yes, it’s loud and brashContinue reading “Thoughts on the Star Trek Beyond Trailer”

Marco Rubio, Marriage, and the Supreme Court

The composition of the Supreme Court, in my view, is the major issue of the 2016 presidential election. It’s possible that the next president will nominate between 2 and 4 justices. The conservative-leaning court we have now could, by 2020, lean liberal or be strongly conservative, based on who the next president is. This, ofContinue reading “Marco Rubio, Marriage, and the Supreme Court”

A Brokered Convention and the GOP’s Unforced Error

I don’t know what’s more insane — that the GOP establishment is contemplating schemes to deny Donald Trump the GOP presidential nomination or that they’re talking openly about those schemes eight months before the convention (and before any states have selected delegates to said convention). If this were coming from the media, I wouldn’t beContinue reading “A Brokered Convention and the GOP’s Unforced Error”