On Snow Patrol's "Signal Fire"

As I was walking out of the theatre Saturday from seeing Spider-Man 3, I caught a few bars of the song that played across the film’s closing credits. I said to my sister, “Is that Snow Patrol? It sounds like Snow Patrol.” “I like it,” she said. “I don’t know who it is.” I couldn’tContinue reading “On Snow Patrol's "Signal Fire"”

On the Blade Runner Ultimate Collection

Blade Runner. An Australian retailer posted information on the forthcoming Blade Runner Ulimate Collection DVD set. Five discs, five different versions of the film. Documentaries on the making of the film, on Philip K. Dick, and a pretty damn cool case. (Though I expect we’ll get a far less exciting cardboard case here in NorthContinue reading “On the Blade Runner Ultimate Collection”

On Putting Things In Order

Two weeks ago I turned in a short story for an anthology releasing next spring. The story, as I turned it in, is rather unconventional. The story I started writing, however, was anything but. The hardest part of writing sometimes is in trusting yourself and in trusting your instincts. I didn’t trust my instincts–they toldContinue reading “On Putting Things In Order”

On Across the Universe

Before Spider-Man 3 there was a trailer for a film I’d never heard of before–Across the Universe. The trailer started to unspool–a young man, shaggy hair, sitting on a beach, a wry smile on his face, singing a Beatles song. “Girl,” from Rubber Soul. I love that song. Five seconds. The trailer had me. “Girl.”Continue reading “On Across the Universe”