On the Thursday View

However did it get to be Thursday? Oh, that’s right. Work. This is the week that all the publications go to press. I’ve been occasionally stressed, always busy. To my surprise, I worked a regular day yesterday; usually, on the Wednesday of this week each month, I work late, until seven, sometimes eight, occasionally nine.Continue reading “On the Thursday View”

On a New Trek Literature Discussion

Jens Deffner of Unreality SF approached me recently to participate in a round-table discussion/interview about the new Star Trek film and Pocket Books’ reaction to the film, both this year and into next year when they have a series of four sequels to the film on the schedule. Entitled Trek XI: Did the books missContinue reading “On a New Trek Literature Discussion”

On the Lantern Corps

So, DC Comics has this event going, Blackest Night. It’s a Green Lantern crossover, involving all sorts of different Lantern Corps — Green Lanterns and Yellow Lanterns and Red Lanterns and Blue Lanterns. And zombie Black Lanterns. I don’t know what’s going on. I haven’t bought the first issue, but it’s out on the standsContinue reading “On the Lantern Corps”

On Carl Sagan and Policy Debates

Eric Michael Johnson of The Primate Diaries posted a few days ago an article on Carl Sagan’s theory of Nuclear Winter and the political reaction to it in the early 1980s. Okay, okay, yes, I will admit that Sagan was not the only person involved in the Nuclear Winter theory, that being the idea thatContinue reading “On Carl Sagan and Policy Debates”