On Pondering Elbow and Atheism

Here’s a question. Is Guy Garvey (or someone else from Elbow) an atheist? I love Elbow, as long time readers of this blog know. (For previous posts on the subject, click here.) What brought this question to mind — what are the religious proclivities of the Mancunian five? — was my recent and ongoing searchContinue reading “On Pondering Elbow and Atheism”

On Elbow’s “Open Arms” Single

Elbow’s new single, “Open Arms,” came out today, and as I did two months ago for “Neat Little Rows” I performed a little jiggery-pokery with Amazon UK and proxy servers to make the download happen. In a way, I really only needed the single for the B-side, “Buffalo Ghosts.” Last week, I acquired an “OpenContinue reading “On Elbow’s “Open Arms” Single”

On the 30 Day Song Challenge

At work, some of my colleagues have done this, the Facebook 30 Day Song Challenge. Basically, it’s a list of 30 topics, one per day, and a person taking the challenge is supposed to post a song that answers the day’s question. One coworker suggested that I should do it, so I grabbed the listContinue reading “On the 30 Day Song Challenge”

On Anger With the Post Office

Over the weekend, I mentioned that I’ve recently started collecting some rarities relating to Elbow, the Mancunian band that I utterly adore. Toward the end of the post, I mentioned that I’d ordered the Build a Rocket Boys! Souvenir Book from Elbow’s current UK tour. In the book, frontman Guy Garvey talks with artist OliverContinue reading “On Anger With the Post Office”

On the Shamrock Fest Post-Mortem

Contrary to recent appearances, allyngibson.com is not an all-music, all-the-time blog. I do listen to music, I do write about music from time to time, but I don’t really have the right vocabulary to write knowingly or critically about music. I really just write about the stuff that I like and the stuff that makesContinue reading “On the Shamrock Fest Post-Mortem”

On Beady Eye’s Debut Album

So, Oasis 2.0 — Beady Eye — has launched with Different Gear, Still Speeding. Oasis, as I mentioned at the time, exploded spectacularly in the summer of 2009, with brothers Noel and Liam Gallagher going their separate ways. Liam pulled a band together — all the pieces of the final Oasis line-up, minus Noel —Continue reading “On Beady Eye’s Debut Album”

More on Downloading Elbow’s New Single

This morning, before nine o’clock Eastern, I received an e-mail from HMV. With the subject line “it’s on its way” (no capitalization), HMV was writing to tell me that Elbow’s Build a Rocket, Boys! was in the post, and I should have it in seven to ten days. Naturally, I’m hoping for seven days. DeliveryContinue reading “More on Downloading Elbow’s New Single”