On Rockstar, Grand Theft Auto, and Bully

Every day at the store I have customers asking whether or not I have Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in stock. Monday I fielded a phone call–the guy wanted to buy ten copies of the XBox version of the game for a quick turnaround on eBay, he said. Unfortunately, since every other retailer on theContinue reading “On Rockstar, Grand Theft Auto, and Bully”

On the PlayStation3's Cost

Sony let the cat out of the bag today, revealing projected production and retail costs of their next video game console, the PlayStation3: nearly five hundred dollars to make, sold at four hundred dollars for a loss. This I like: This puts Microsoft in a very good position. It has a console of comparable abilityContinue reading “On the PlayStation3's Cost”

On a Bulletin Board

I’m in Durham at their new mall, Streets at Southpoint. I’d driven out there to pick up a few games–Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas had come out that morning for the PC, and my store had sold out. The Southpoint store, though, had extras to spare. So, with new Coldplay in the car stereo, IContinue reading “On a Bulletin Board”

On Conker: Live and Reloaded

Conker: Live and Reloaded, the XBox remake of the Nintendo 64’s Conker’s Bad Fur day has gone gold. A release at the end of the month for this highly anticipated title is now assured. What is Conker? Well, it’s a video game about a fluffy, cute squirrel. A very naughty cute squirrel. He drinks. HeContinue reading “On Conker: Live and Reloaded”