On Recent Search Phrases

Stat time once more! Here’s a random factoid. In the past two weeks, which is what the server report I pulled this morning covers, twice as many people accessed The World According to Allyn with Windows 3.1 machines as by Amiga machines. I’m just amazed there are people out there, doing the Internet-thing, with WindowsContinue reading “On Recent Search Phrases”

On McDonald's and My Grandmother

My neighbor has started taking my grandmother to McDonald’s, if not on a daily basis then at least four or five times a week. To be frank I’m a little surprised that my grandmother goes. McDonald’s… well, it’s never been her kind of restaurant. My grandmother’s McDonald’s is an interesting place. This is typical–“I hadContinue reading “On McDonald's and My Grandmother”

On New Things!

So I’m sitting at the desk, working on some writing, and a Yahoo! Messenger window opens. Curious, I begin a conversation. Could this be a fan? Could this be some random bloke? Conversation, conversation, conversation. Then! Nigerian spam! Sigh. Most exciting thing all day, and it’s Nigerian spam. :/ Bleh.