On Tarot Cards

Though I’ve done a similar quiz before (where I was revealed to be the Hierophant), there’s a new Internet meme going around, seen most recently on Lisa‘s LiveJournal–which Tarot Card best fits your personality: You are The Lovers Motive, power, and action, arising from Inspiration and Impulse. The Lovers represents intuition and inspiration. Very oftenContinue reading “On Tarot Cards”

On the Books I've Read

Stolen from Richard White, a list of the most significant science fiction novels written since 1953. We’re going to bold the titles I’ve read, strikethrough the ones I’ve read and hated, italicize the ones I’ve started and never finished, and put a star next to the ones I love. Any questions? 🙂 The Lord ofContinue reading “On the Books I've Read”

On a Pastafarian Insight

This occurred to me at work today. Might the Flying Spaghetti Monster be one of the Elder Gods? Consider. Pastafarians bless one another with the saying, “May you be touched by His Noodly Appendage.” Conventionally, we think of the Noodly Appendage as, well, pasta. Could it actually be a tentacle? Could the pasta merely beContinue reading “On a Pastafarian Insight”

On Grand Designs

Grand Designs, the Star Trek: Corps of Engineers compilation containing my novella Ring Around the Sky, will be published by Pocket Books in July of 2007. The cover for it was unveiled today: The cover image is of the world Kharzh’ulla IV, seen in my story, as rendered by artist Chris Moore. Kharzh’ulla boasts ofContinue reading “On Grand Designs”

On Some Political Speculation

There’s a rumor that Vice President Dick Cheney may be resigning in the near future. Considering that Cheney is the one person in the government with lower approval ratings than the President, unloading the albatros that is Cheney might give the administration some bouyancy. Oh, who am I kidding? President Bush is his own albatros.Continue reading “On Some Political Speculation”

On Veteran's Day

In 1983 CBS aired a Peanuts special, What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown. In the film Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown (And Don’t Come Back) Charlie Brown, Linus, Pepperment Pattie, Marcie, and Snoopy went to France. What Have We Learned picks up shortly thereafter, with the kids visiting Flanders and the beaches of Normandy where theyContinue reading “On Veteran's Day”