On Coldplay’s New Single

Last Friday, Coldplay released a new single from their forthcoming album, “Every Teardrop is a Waterfall.” It’s the band’s first song since their Christmas release, “Christmas Lights,” which I liked. “Christmas Lights” had to grow on me, true, because it was so atypical of where the band’s last albumw as — “Christmas Lights” sounds muchlyContinue reading “On Coldplay’s New Single”

On Cyberspace and the New Batgirl

The shoe that I’ve been fearing to drop since last week dropped today. The new Batgirl in the DC Universe will be Barbara Gordon, not Stephanie Brown. For me, that’s a big deal. I mentioned in passing last week that I absolutely adore the current Batgirl series. I didn’t want to love it — StephanieContinue reading “On Cyberspace and the New Batgirl”

On the Almost Adequate “Almost People”

When last we left off in this series of Doctor Who reviews, BBC America had shown “The Rebel Flesh” before taking a brief hiatus for the Memorial Day holiday. Last night, BBC America returned Who to North American television screens with “The Almost People,” the second part of a two-part story about a mining baseContinue reading “On the Almost Adequate “Almost People””

On Flashpoint and the New DC Universe

Two weeks ago, I ruminated on DC Comics’ Flashpoint event and what it might mean for Batman comics. Well, earlier this week, DC Comics announced what’s coming down the road — the DC Universe as we know it will change radically in September. Comics fandom has been beside itself since Tuesday trying to figure outContinue reading “On Flashpoint and the New DC Universe”

On Long and Fruitless Commutes

Yesterday I felt like Odysseus. In Homer’s The Odyssey, the Greek hero Odysseus attempts to return home to Greece after the conclusion of the Trojan War. But his journey home is fraught with adventures and detours, and it takes him a decade to reach his home. Yesterday’s commute was like that. A southbound train brokeContinue reading “On Long and Fruitless Commutes”