On Completing LEGO Star Wars

On April 6, 2005, I bought LEGO Star Wars for the Xbox. (I also blogged about the death of Pope John Paul II and Tartan Day). Today, September 9, 2011, I finished LEGO Star Wars 100%. I built all seventeen minikit starship models. I scored True Jedi on all seventeen levels and built the TantiveContinue reading “On Completing LEGO Star Wars”

On Songs by Queen That I Like

Was it yesterday that would have been Freddie Mercury’s sixty-fifth birthday? Or the day before? I thought I saw something about it on NPR’s website in the last two or three days. Sometime over the weekend, surely. You can tell how much I care. I actually had to Google to see how to spell “Freddie”Continue reading “On Songs by Queen That I Like”

On Contemplating Philcon

Yesterday evening I received a surprising e-mail — it was a pre-invite to Philcon. Well, it was surprising to me; things like this are always surprising to me. Philcon is, obviously, a science-fiction convention held every November in Philadelphia. I knew of it it when I lived outside Philly about a decade ago, but workingContinue reading “On Contemplating Philcon”

On Revisiting Paul McGann’s Doctor Who Movie

For the first time in a decade, I watched Paul McGann’s single televised outing as the Doctor. The Doctor Who television movie, aired on Fox in 1996, has been unavailable in North America on video or DVD since, well, forever, due largely to the rights issues between the BBC, Vivendi-Universal, and Fox itself, over howContinue reading “On Revisiting Paul McGann’s Doctor Who Movie”

On Ian Levine’s Throwdown With Simon Cowell

Dear Daily Fail. I don’t often read your publication, but Doctor Who uber-fan Ian Levine tweeted a cryptic link to your fine paper. Levine, as I’m sure you know, worked on Doctor Who producer John Nathan Turner in the 1980s, in much the same capacity that Richard Arnold worked for Star Trek producer Gene RoddenberryContinue reading “On Ian Levine’s Throwdown With Simon Cowell”