Because I’m at a loss for things to write about, I decided to Google around and see if I could find something to prompt my writing. I looked at Plinky, and I wasn’t impressed. I saw what today’s LiveJournal “Writer’s Block” prompt was, and I didn’t see the point. I then thought about looking toContinue reading “On Questions about Rain”
Tag Archives: Memes
On a Book Everyone Should Read
I have read a lot of books in my time. I have owned a lot of books in my time. More of either than I would care to admit. 😉 I could tell you what my favorite books are. (My favorite book of all time, by the way, is The Hound of the Baskervilles byContinue reading “On a Book Everyone Should Read”
On What I Miss About Childhood
At times, I miss the smell… Of cow manure. In my childhood years, I lived in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. My elementary school, Linville-Edom, stood on a barely paved road in the midst of the valley's rolling farm country. Across the street was a farm. To either side of the school? Farms. And what was notableContinue reading “On What I Miss About Childhood”
On Piratical Pirate-ness!
As tomorrow is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, here’s a quiz from the official website for all ye scurvy dogs! You are The Pirate Do you remember the last time you took a chance? It was when you decided to leave the security of your mother’s womb and headed for the bright light. It’sContinue reading “On Piratical Pirate-ness!”
On Random Questions for a Random Day
Memes are cheap content, so let’s do a meme! Stolen from Keith; I don’t think he’ll mind, or even notice… Do you have any pets?Kitty. That’s his name. Kitty. Name three things that are physically close to you.A glass of lemonade iced tea. Nail clippers. Hair of the Dog, the CD from Three Bonzos andContinue reading “On Random Questions for a Random Day”
On Favorite Characters In a Book
To my chagrin, I made it through college without ever having to read F. Scott Fitzgerald in an English course. I did, however, read Fitzgerald for my American history course. I had to write a paper on "Echoes of the Jazz Age," an essay where Fitzgerald used this memorable phrase to describe the 1920s —Continue reading “On Favorite Characters In a Book”
On Movies When I Was Twelve
Courtesy of Dayton Ward, “The ‘When I was 12’ movie meme thing.” Here’s how it works: go to Wikipedia (as the most convenient resource), and copy the list of movies that were released in the year when you were 12 years old. Mark in italics the movies that you’ve seen. (Not necessarily that year.) MarkContinue reading “On Movies When I Was Twelve”
On Writing Styles I Emulate
Here we are, nearly a month past Bloomsday, and what do I discover? I write likeJames Joyce I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing! James Joyce! 😎 Except that it’s F. Scott Fitzgerald I really try and emulate… :-/ Thanks to David McIntee for the link…
On Crayon Colors and What They Mean
I get three crayons to make a picture. I don't know what the picture will be; I'm suddenly reminded of the last time I went to Five Guys and I drew a picture of the Union Jack on a postcard and tacked it up on their corkboard. Three crayons. A picture. I go with primaryContinue reading “On Crayon Colors and What They Mean”
On a Books & Reading Meme
Because I can, a meme about books! 1) What author do you own the most books by? Either Philip K. Dick or Larry Niven, with Ernest Hemingway close behind. 2) What book do you own the most copies of? More than likely, it’s Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Other contenders? TheContinue reading “On a Books & Reading Meme”