On My Favorite Short Story

Once upon a time in Lankhmar, City of the Black Toga, in the world of Nehwon, two years after the Year of the Feathered Death, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser parted their ways. Exactly what caused the tall brawling barbarian and the slim elusive Prince of Thieves to fall out, and the mighty adventuring partnershipContinue reading “On My Favorite Short Story”

On a NetHack Wiki

There’s a NetHack Wiki. I’m still wrapping my mind around this. There’s a NetHack Wiki. A NetHack! Wiki! I never really got into NetHack. Hack, yes. Hack 1.0.3 was a close friend during high school and college. Angband? Well, I’ve got a couple of different versions on my computer, but I’ve never spent any realContinue reading “On a NetHack Wiki”

On the Latest Credit

Received today at work — Star Trek Magazine, issue #8. Behind a stunning cover of Riker, Data, and a sparkler, there is a four-page article entitled “Mind Children.” Author? Moi. 🙂 What will readers find in “Mind Children”? Why is Data different than other artificial intelligences, not only in the Star Trek universe, but withinContinue reading “On the Latest Credit”