On the President’s Fuzzy Math

Thursday night, President Bush addressed the nation. He wanted to speak about the need to stay the course in Iraq. He made a most curious statement: “We thank the 36 nations who have troops on the ground in Iraq and the many others who are helping that young democracy.” Thirty-six countries have troops in IraqContinue reading “On the President’s Fuzzy Math”

On John Edwards’ Address to the Nation

An e-mail I received today from the John Edwards presidential campaign. Tonight, he’ll be addressing the nation on MSNBC following the President’s speech about Iraq and the report General Petreaus delivered to Congress. Tonight, after President Bush makes yet another argument for continuing the war in Iraq, John Edwards will speak directly to the AmericanContinue reading “On John Edwards’ Address to the Nation”

On Long-Expected Parties

I fired up Opera this morning, looked at my own website, and there, in the sidebar, was the usual “this day in Middle-Earth” feature. And lots of things happened in Middle-Earth today. A few years ago I wrote a BASIC program to convert Gregorian dates into Shire dates. No, I can’t tell you why —Continue reading “On Long-Expected Parties”

On Senatorial Races

Rumor has it that former Virginia governor Mark Warner will be announcing his candidacy for the Virginia Senate race this week. I’ve written about Warner before, when he announced that he would not be seeking the Democratic Presidential nomination, and I believe that Warner would be a formidable Senatorial candidate in Virginia against any RepublicanContinue reading “On Senatorial Races”