On Answering the Television Meme

A few days ago I posted a television meme; I’d name off seven television series, and my readers could guess who my favorite characters were from those series. Well, that didn’t generate a lot of response. :p The five that weren’t guessed: AnimaniacsThis one was mildly tricksey. It’s Pinky, of Pinky & the Brain fame.Continue reading “On Answering the Television Meme”

On New Avatars

Look for Allyn Gibson around the ‘net, and chances are there’s a little South Park Allyn attached to the posting. Which is fine, but I’ve been using some variant on that venerable icon for a number of years. I needed a new look. I’d branched out maybe a year ago; I started using my name,Continue reading “On New Avatars”

On a Television Meme

Seen on several friends’ pages in the blogosphere: Post a list of seven TV shows you love (current or canceled). Have your friends list guess your favorite character from each show. When guessed, bold the line and write a little bit about why you like that character. Post in your own journal. Seven television shows,Continue reading “On a Television Meme”

On Random Observations

Here’s a collection of random ramblings taken from recent e-mails and ‘net postings, just to keep casual readers up-to-date on the things Allyn Gibson has written elsewhere…. On Jean-Luc Picard: The Buried Age is a “Lost Era” novel. It’s about Picard’s “lost weekend” when he went to L.A., hung out with Harry Nilsson, recorded anContinue reading “On Random Observations”

On the First Space Traveller

Last month was the fiftieth anniversary of the launch of Sputnik I, which propelled humanity into the Space Age. Today, November 3rd, is the fiftieth anniversary of the launch of Sputnik II, the first space craft to carry a living creature — the dog, Laika. Laika died a few hours into her flight due toContinue reading “On the First Space Traveller”

On Writing Screenplays

Yesterday I mentioned some of the top search phrases for the month of October. But I’ve noticed, just through the search phrases WordPress reports to me, that people are looking for ways of writing screenplays using Microsoft Word. Fortunately, the BBC is a big help here. They offer a free template download, Script Smart, thatContinue reading “On Writing Screenplays”