Spamalot: The Movie, Coming Our Way in 2020

Last week the news broke that Fox is working on a film adaptation of Spamalot, the musical by Eric Idle based on Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I’ve wanted a film adaptation of Spamalot for a while now. I wrote on TrekBBS a year ago, “I’d have preferred it ten years ago with theContinue reading “Spamalot: The Movie, Coming Our Way in 2020”

An American Flag, Sewn in Scotland, Returns Home

In 1918, a troop ship carrying American soldiers to Europe was torpedoed off the coast of Scotland. Though many were saved from the waters by other ships in the troop convoy, the bodies of nearly 200 soldiers washed ashore on the island of Islay. What ensued was a recovery of the bodies by the island’sContinue reading “An American Flag, Sewn in Scotland, Returns Home”

Finding a Distant Relation

Spring has been oddly slow to arrive this year. The first nice weekend of the spring, I went to Lynchburg and saw Carbon Leaf. The second nice weekend of the spring, I went to Cecil County and poked around cemeteries. This was the third nice weekend of the spring, and on Saturday I drove downContinue reading “Finding a Distant Relation”

Exploring Cemeteries in Cecil County

On April 14, 2018 I went to Cecil County and explored four cemeteries, looking for graves I knew about and graves I didn’t. I had been planning this for about two months, and you never know what you’ll find until you go and look. The roots of my dad’s family come from what I jokinglyContinue reading “Exploring Cemeteries in Cecil County”

Plans for a Cecil County Outing

Tomorrow is a big day. In addition to Cecil Con, a small comic book convention in North East, Maryland, I’m going to visit four cemeteries in the area. My dad’s side of the family comes from what I call “the borderlands of Maryland and Pennsylvania”; there are Gibsons and Browns and Reynolds and Russells thatContinue reading “Plans for a Cecil County Outing”

Cheese and Onions Experimentation

Of late I have been experimenting with cheese and onions sandwiches. I mentioned back in March that, because of George Harrison’s 75th birthday, I rewatched Eric Idle’s The Rutles: All You Need Is Cash. Harrison was a huge fan of Idle’s satire of the Beatles, and he even had a cameo as a reporter coveringContinue reading “Cheese and Onions Experimentation”

Getting Closer

Friday night, following a week of deadlines and deadlines and more deadlines, I spent some time working on my website’s code. Two weeks ago, I wrote that I’d been fighting with the blog theme’s slider; the parent theme, Shoreditch, had a featured content section, but it didn’t slide. Instead, it paged with some controls. TheContinue reading “Getting Closer”

Carbon Leaf, Live in Lynchburg

Last Friday, I was in Lynchburg, Virginia. What brought me from the snowy wastes of Pennsylvania — we’d had a snowstorm on Wednesday that dumped fifteen-ish inches and closed the office — and took me to south-central Virginia? I went to see Carbon Leaf on their 25th-anniversary tour. I’d seen them six days earlier atContinue reading “Carbon Leaf, Live in Lynchburg”