On Talking about Star Wars

I wasn’t impressed with Revenge of the Sith. Indeed, I was bored out of my skull by the film. I generally don’t tell people that, though. I manage a video game store. My customers have seen the film multiple times, and it’s not unusual for three or four each day to rave about how awesomeContinue reading “On Talking about Star Wars”

On a Bulletin Board

I’m in Durham at their new mall, Streets at Southpoint. I’d driven out there to pick up a few games–Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas had come out that morning for the PC, and my store had sold out. The Southpoint store, though, had extras to spare. So, with new Coldplay in the car stereo, IContinue reading “On a Bulletin Board”

On Conker: Live and Reloaded

Conker: Live and Reloaded, the XBox remake of the Nintendo 64’s Conker’s Bad Fur day has gone gold. A release at the end of the month for this highly anticipated title is now assured. What is Conker? Well, it’s a video game about a fluffy, cute squirrel. A very naughty cute squirrel. He drinks. HeContinue reading “On Conker: Live and Reloaded”

On WarCraft: Dragon Hunt

I bought at Barnes & Noble yesterday Dragon Hunt, the first volume in Tokyopop’s WarCraft: The Sunwell Trilogy manga, written by Richard Knaak, author of three WarCraft novels from Pocket Books, and illustrated by Jae-Hwan Kim. This first volume is slim, weighing in at about 150 pages. I read through Dragon Hunt in about twentyContinue reading “On WarCraft: Dragon Hunt”

On the Long-Term View

The Narnia quiz the other day started me thinking. There’s a film based on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe coming out in December. There will be a tie-in video game as well, for at least the PlayStation 2 and XBox, probably GameBoy Advance, perhaps even GameCube, PlayStation Portable, and who knows what theContinue reading “On the Long-Term View”