On Joe Biden

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama has picked his vice presidential running mate. Senator Joe Biden of Delaware. Joe Biden? I thought Obama was running as the candidate who was going to change Washington. How does picking an “inside the Beltway” Washington insider do that? Biden has been serving as Delaware’s Senator since Obama wasContinue reading “On Joe Biden”

On Smurfs and Smurfing Smurf

Some Smurf musings, as I’ve had Smurfs on the brain! Occasionally, Smurf biology comes up in conversation. Smurfs clearly reproduce asexually. Consider! Smurfette was a homunculus created by Gargamel, and her existence was alien to the Smurfs. The Smurfs had no idea what Smurfette was, or where she had come from. Quite simply, the SmurfsContinue reading “On Smurfs and Smurfing Smurf”

On John McCain and His Disconnect

A day after writing about John McCain and his treatment as a prisoner of war at the hands of the North Vietnamese, I reluctantly find that I must take up the keyboard and write again of John McCain. When asked, John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, could not name the number of homes thatContinue reading “On John McCain and His Disconnect”

On John McCain and Torture

In all the hubbub over Senator John McCain dismissing the Dungeons & Dragons vote, one vital story has been ignored — was John McCain tortured by the North Vietnamese during his captivity during the Vietnam War? John McCain would say yes: Just after his release in May 1973, he detailed his experience as a P.O.W.Continue reading “On John McCain and Torture”

On Writing and Emotional Movement

Over the past week — and more intensely since Saturday — I’ve been working on an outline for a novel. It’s… interesting stuff. To be honest, I know that it’s not working. To be slightly more specific, it’s not working the way I want it to. The story is developing in interesting directions, but theContinue reading “On Writing and Emotional Movement”

On Search Engine Stupidity

When I was younger, back in high school no less, I read Hans Moravec. Mind Children, an amazing book. Verner Vinge, the Singularity. I’m there. The technological trends are there. Teilhard de Chardin, the noosphere. Got it. Human knowledge will become so massive, technology will be able to create minds better than ours, the nextContinue reading “On Search Engine Stupidity”