The All-"Here Comes the Sun" Radio Station

Imagine for a moment that you get in the car and turn the key to hear the sounds of the Beatles streaming from the speakers. Imagine further still that you hear “Here Comes the Sun,” that magnificent song from the Abbey Road album. Sheer bliss. Imagine hearing “Here Comes the Sun” on a continuous loop.Continue reading “The All-"Here Comes the Sun" Radio Station”

Sniping and other random thoughts

I hate eBay. Okay, that’s a bit excessive. I’ve managed to acquire cool stuff that I never even knew I needed from eBay over the years and I will probably continue to do so. My own efforts at selling on eBay haven’t been at all successful, but perhaps that’s due in part to not havingContinue reading “Sniping and other random thoughts”

Enterprise and Continuity

The newest issue of the Star Trek Communicator features an excellent article by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore that looks at Enterprise and its adherence (or lack thereof) to previously established Star Trek continuity, particularly of the Original Series. It’s an interesting article, and it makes the point that the perceptions of fandom that contunityContinue reading “Enterprise and Continuity”

Ewoks! Exterminate!

Is it truly wrong to hate the Ewoks? Everyone knows the Ewoks. Those cute, cuddly, walking teddy bears that populated the last half of Return of the Jedi. In a series of films about the fate of the universe and the titanic struggle between the forces of good and evil, the Ewoks seemed curiously out-of-place.Continue reading “Ewoks! Exterminate!”

On Star Trek Movie Names

Random brainwave I had this morning… The Classic Trek films had impressive sounding names. Maybe not impressive sounding, but descriptive. The Star Trek: The Next Generation films, by contrast, have positively dull names. If you were given the power to give the NextGen films names like the Classic Trek films, what names would you giveContinue reading “On Star Trek Movie Names”