More on Lego Star Wars

Six days away. The game is Six. Days. Away. I pre-ordered mine at work today. Somehow I’d been remiss in doing so. It was crazy funny hectic busy at work today. The Sony PSP, the new handheld system, launched today. We opened at eight, and people started lining up at about twenty past seven. AllContinue reading “More on Lego Star Wars”

On Tonight's Boston Legal

The best episode of Boston Legal yet. Tonight took Alan Shore to Texas to take up a death penalty case. As the episode unfolded, as Shore made his appeal to the Texas High Court, as the inmate headed to receive the lethal injection, the laissez-faire attitude of previous episodes all but evaporated. This was aContinue reading “On Tonight's Boston Legal”

On the Things I Don't Understand

I don’t understand why the water pressure in my shower doubled in the last week. I don’t understand why the Muzak system at work insists on playing the Spice Girls. It’s not 1997 anymore. I don’t understand why Obi-Wan calls Anakin “the Chosen One” in the Revenge of the Sith trailer when we all knowContinue reading “On the Things I Don't Understand”

On the Cubs' Pitching Woes

The ghost of Murphy’s Goat hates us. The ghost of John McGraw hates us. From the wire reports in today’s Raleigh newspaper: Kerry Wood will not pitch in the season-opening series in Arizona, but the Chicago Cubs are hopeful he will be ready for the team’s opening homestand a few days later. And when that’sContinue reading “On the Cubs' Pitching Woes”

On St. Patrick's Day

Overall, yesterday was dismal. Snow and sleet in the morning, changing over to rain by the afternoon. Precipitation fell all day. I wrote 2500 words yesterday, finishing up a story that had been in a stuck position for a few weeks. Surprisingly, the writing came easily, and after dinner I finished the writing. Then IContinue reading “On St. Patrick's Day”

On Lego Star Wars

I receive the LEGO Club Magazine every other month. The latest issue arrived yesterday. The issues contains an ad for the PS2 and XBox game, LEGO Star Wars, coming out at the end of the month. I’m positively giddy thinking about it. It’s freakin’ LEGOs! It’s freakin’ Star Wars. Okay, it’s Prequel Trilogy Star Wars,Continue reading “On Lego Star Wars”

On Kentucky Zombies, Take Four

I planned on making a response in the comments to Kae in Winchester, Kentucky. It seems, instead, that “promoting” what I want to say to a full-fledged post would be a better idea as others from Winchester have left comments as well, and addressing them all in one fell swoop would serve a better purpose.Continue reading “On Kentucky Zombies, Take Four”