On the Across the Universe Soundtrack

Lunch break. Best Buy. The Across the Universe 2-disc soundtrack. Mine! My precious! Err… I’m listening to Bono doing “I am the Walrus” and it’s… good! Now, Eddie Izzard is doing “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!” I am content. I am more than content. I am splendiforous! 🙂 This movie had so betterContinue reading “On the Across the Universe Soundtrack”

On a Case for Torchwood?

A meteorite crash in Peru has led to a series of mysterious illnesses. Villagers in southern Peru were struck by a mysterious illness after a meteorite made a fiery crash to Earth in their area, regional authorities said Monday. Around midday Saturday, villagers were startled by an explosion and a fireball that many were convincedContinue reading “On a Case for Torchwood?”

On Something That Would Be Cool To Have

At work today I was writing solicit copy for posters. And one of the posters I wrote solicit copy for? Drew Struzan’s Blade Runner: The Final Cut movie poster. Apparently, Struzan had done this poster for the film’s original release, but it was never used. However, Ridley Scott had always preferred that poster to whatContinue reading “On Something That Would Be Cool To Have”

On James Spader’s Emmy Win

Last night James Spader won his third Emmy in four years for his work as ethically-challenged attorney Alan Shore from Boston Legal. Spader, I thought, didn’t have a particularly challenging year as Shore — he was sidelined through much of the first half of the season, ironically due to a storyline that would have beenContinue reading “On James Spader’s Emmy Win”

On Search Phrase Madness

I haven’t pulled a server log recently to extract search phrases to see what’s hitting big. Honestly, there’s been little need — for a day-to-day look at what people are looking for, the Automattic Stats plug-in for WordPress has done a pretty good job of letting me see, without nasty server logs, what people areContinue reading “On Search Phrase Madness”

On Dracula vs. King Arthur

Last week, at the Baltimore Comic-Con, as I was walking past a table, I heard, out of the corner of my ear, the words, “King Arthur.” And my interest piqued, I had to see why I’d heard those words. I stopped, turned, and then the guy behind the table said, “Dracula versus King Arthur!” HeContinue reading “On Dracula vs. King Arthur”

On Recent Purchases

I went out today looking for the soundtrack to Across the Universe. According to Interscope’s website, the CD went on sale yesterday — odd, considering it’s a Friday instead of the traditional Tuesday — only I couldn’t find it anywhere. And in any event, I wanted the special edition exclusive to Best Buy — supposedly,Continue reading “On Recent Purchases”

On New Website Changes

So, yeah, I’ve gone and redone the website. Again. Call it boredom. I’m just never happy with how the website looks. Why Stonehenge? I don’t know. And it’s based on the Kubrick WordPress theme, and I generally don’t like Kubrick. It doesn’t speak to me. Yet, for some reason, Stonehenge and the purple background worked.Continue reading “On New Website Changes”